About Us

International Bowls for the Disabled is the international umbrella entity that works with 16 member countries around the globe.

All countries work to ensure that physically and visually impaired lawn bowlers have every opportunity to play and love the sport that is lawn bowls. Players may experience total or partial sight and or hearing loss, be wheelchair-bound, or have other physical and mental disabilities. It is a sport that genuinely embraces diversity and is inclusive of all.

Contact Information for each country is as follows:




Ellen Falkner
Bowls Australia
email: efalkner@bowls.com.au

Britany Gordon or Kathryn MacGregor
Bowls Canada
email: ceo@bowlscanada.com or kmacgregor@bowlscanada.com

Steve Watson
Disability Bowls England
email: steve.watson@disabilitybowlsengland.org.uk

Hong Kong



Glen Lam or Olivia Lam
Hong Kong Paralympic Committee
Sports Association for the Physically Disabled
email: glenlam@hksapd.org


Para Indian Lawn Bowls Federation, Bishnupur Main Road, Guwahati – 781016, Assam, India

email: Mohammad Raja at  rajabowls79@gmail.com

Phone: +91 931 066 4647
WhatsApp: +91 940 1822 791

Raivin Chooratpongthorn
Indonesia Disabled Bowls
email: raivin_24hours@hotmail.com




Sarah Shapiro
Israel Lawn Bowls Association for the Blind
email: shopsy@netvision.net.il

Aldo Sawada
Japan Lawn Bowls Federation for the Disabled
email: bowlsjapan-jimukyoku@hwlbc.com

Jariah Zakaria
Malaysia Disabled Bowls
email: malaysiadisabledbowls@gmail.com

New Zealand

Northern Ireland


Kevin Smith or Greg Johnson
NZ Blind Lawn Bowls Association
email: nzblba@gmail.com

Sue Curran

NZ Visually Impaired Bowlers
email: sue46curran@gmail.com

Pam Walker

Para Bowls NZ
email: parabowlsnz@gmail.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/nzparabowls


Chris Mulholland
email: chris6012.CM@gmail.com

Alan McMillan
Bowls Scotland
email: ceo@bowlsscotland.com


South Africa

South Korea

Michelle Siew TS or James Chia
Para Bowls Singapore
email: michellesiewl953@gmail.com or james.chia@parabowlsingapore.org

Bobby Donnelly
Bowls South Africa
email: bobby.donnelly@bowlssa.co.za

Jimmy Jae Wook Yoo
Korea Bowls for the Disabled
email: kbd082@naver.com



Punika Pensuwan
Para Bowls Thailand
email: paralawnbowlsthailand@gmail.com

Nathan Stephens
Disability Wales
email: nathan.stephens@disabilitysportwales.com

Julie Thomas
Welsh Association Secretary
email: sgtmgf@icloud.com

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